In September 2013 we attended a studio party thrown by fellow Derby based animation studio, Box Frame. Managing director Mair Perkins knows Box Frame as they kindly let her do work experience with them during her University days. Boxframe work with big name entertainment clients such as Sky, Disney, Formula One and Fifa and produce spectacular 3D and motion graphics animation for television.
Box Frame had recently expanded and opened a London branch so they had a spare room going in their studio space in Derby City Centre. At the time we were sharing an office with Katherine Cory Design and Brightflair Software Solutions in the marketing agency Katapult’s building. Which was a great starting work space but the studio in Box Frame is larger and located directly in heart of Derby’s Centre.
By October and after a few trips to Ikea, we were settled into our new office space. We even had another fellow Derby business owner and software developer James Fellows join us in our co working space. To celebrate we put on a studio launch night and invited our business associates, clients, friends and mentors along. to enjoy wine, samosas and mince pies (it was in December after all!).
Before the evening event, the University of Derby’s business incubation unit, EVOLVE, organised a photo shoot with us and Matthew Jones Photography for a local business success case study and for own promotional material. You can see some of the photos from the shoot below.