What is the Low Carbon Business Network?
The Low Carbon Business Network is a free service for East Midlands based SMEs to learn more about embracing the shift towards a low carbon economy.
The project is a collaboration between the University of Derby Business School, the Institute for Innovation in Sustainable Engineering (IISE) and Derby City Council and Derbyshire County Council. It is partly funded by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds growth programme 2014-2020.
The network offers

My reasons for joining:
- I want to run a sustainable and environmentally responsible business that respects and protects our natural world. It’s important for everyone to do everything within their abilities to prevent climate breakdown and ecological collapse.
- I’m passionate about working on projects that communicate and share knowledge on environmental themes.
The Green Growth Accelerator Programme included:
- Two half day workshops on sustainable business development.
- A “Pitch Green” event where I presented my business and strategy to a panel of experts for feedback (Like Dragon’s Den but greener!).
- Five hours of marketing consultancy advice.
- Help gaining the Green Mark Level 1 environmental accreditation.
- Advice, support and knowledge from the Low Carbon Business Network team.
- Events and opportunities to meet other businesses interested in sustainability.

The benefits for my business
- We developed a green growth strategy for my business.
- I learned more about green growth, the low carbon economy and sustainable and regenerative business practices.
- I was able to access knowledge, support and expertise from the lovely folk running the Low Carbon Business Network Project.
- Meeting other low carbon businesses.
- Invitations to membership network events.
- My business gained the Green Mark Level 1 environmental accreditation.
- I gained more experience and confidence in pitching my business.
- Having structured time to focus on business development. This can be hard to find when you’re busy working on the client side of the business!
Although the Green Growth accelerator programme has concluded, I am still part of the network and will be attending the network’s future events. If you’re an East Midlands business, let me know if you join and be sure to say hello at any events!
A Green Animation Showreel
As part of the Pitch Green presentation, I edited together some clips from animations I’ve created for environmental and sustainability projects. From local council recycling campaigns to research into conserving rain forest ecosystems, I’ve had the pleasure of helping to communicate many different environmental causes.