Lots of exciting news for the past couple of months!
Firstly I was snapped at the Young Director’s Forum Social Event by the Derby Telegraph. You can read the article on the Derby Telegraph’s website if the newspaper clipping below is a little unclear.

Then the University of Derby’s Enterprise Centre featured my business in their success stories section of the website.
“Mair Perkins has achieved great business success over the past year. She has actively taken part in many of the workshops, seminars and courses that Open for Business has run which has helped her develop and grow her business and list of clients. Her recent work includes projects for Microsoft and Vodafone.”
After the two lovely press features, I also created an animation for a client in the press industry – WAN IFRA (The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers). The animated video premièred in front of 1000 audience members at the World Newspaper Congress, Kiev, 2012. The film was shown on a cinema screen and “was an incredible, thought provoking and emotional moment for the audience.” according to our client who attended the event. WAN IFRA will continue to use the animated video for social media campaigns to raise awareness of the importance of press freedom internationally.
WAN IFRA have not only been a pleasure to work with but an honour. Communicating important and cause based messages through animation is what I’m passionate about. If a tiny bit of good can be done through something I animated, then I feel pretty happy.