For a third year running, I’ve taken part in Inktober. Inktober is a month long creative challenge where artists all over the world create an ink drawing everyday during October. The drawings are shared on social media using hashtags. The challenge is a way to practice your craft, to make time everyday to do personal artwork and connect with other artists.
Here are the results…
I’ve got to admit it was tiring especially as client work has been super busy the last month. Plus my husband and I had booked a week long holiday in Barcelona to celebrate our one year wedding anniversary. The challenge was fun though and I’ve tried to draw things outside my comfort zone so hopefully I’ve levelled up the ink skills a bit! The community spirit during Inktober is awesome too and I’ve discovered so many new artists to follow through it. Kudos to the illustrator Jake Parker for organising Inktober!
One of the Inktobers was drawn overlooking Barcelona’s cityscape.
You can view all the Inktober drawings in my Illustration portfolio.