In July 2016, I was really pleased to receive a Green Award from Investors in the Environment, which recognises the way I’ve been working to become a more environmentally friendly business.
Instead of driving to work, I either walk or use public transport, and I try arrange meetings on Skype. My business wastes no paper and at my home office I have a 100% renewable energy supplier. Even browsing the internet has a carbon footprint, so I’ve been working on reducing that too by monitoring data usage. I’ve also worked with clients such as Littergram, Derby City Council, Drain Markers and the University of Derby to create animations with positive environmental messages. You can read more about my green efforts in the business environmental policy.
It was amazing to see all the great work other businesses have been doing to be kinder to the planet, and I’d recommend the award scheme to any organisation!
Here are some photos from the award night held in Nottingham.